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rather than的用法

时间:2021-11-06 来源:养娃家

  rather than的第一个用法是做连词,引导状语部分。其次,rather than也可以作为介词,使用时后面跟名词。另外,rather than通常也表示否定。下面我们举例说明:

  rather than作连词时,引导状语部分,例如rather than continue the argument,he walked away.

  rather than作介词时,后面跟名词,例如rather than being pleased,she was angry。rather than being pleased.介词后面用到了动词,那这个动词一定要变成动名词形式,所以就是being pleased.

  rather than表示否定时,译成而不是。例如:He,rather than,you is responsible for the loss.损失由他而不是你负责。




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