首页 > 英语 > 元宵节的英文怎么说,元宵节的英语是什么怎么写


时间:2024-04-23 来源:养娃家

  元宵节的英语是Lantern Festival。读音:英[ˈlæntən festɪvl]美[ˈlæntərn festɪvl]元宵节是中国的传统节日之一,通常在农历正月十五庆祝,也被称为“上元节”或“小正月”。


  Lantern Festival的例句

  1、The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month.


  2、On the Lantern Festival,people hang up colorful lanterns and enjoy the beautiful night scenery.


  3、Eating sweet dumplings is a traditional custom during the Lantern Festival,symbolizing family reunion and happiness.


  4、The Lantern Festival is a festive occasion filled with joy and excitement,as people participate in various activities such as lantern parades and guessing lantern riddles.


  5、The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations,bringing an end to the festive season with a bang.


  6、The Lantern Festival is a time for family reunions,when people come together to enjoy the festive atmosphere and share the joy of the holiday.


  7、Children are especially excited during the Lantern Festival,as they get to admire the bright lanterns and participate in fun activities like solving lantern riddles.


  8、The Lantern Festival is also known as the"Festival of Lights,"as the streets are illuminated with countless lanterns of various shapes and sizes.


  9、The custom of watching dragon and lion dances is widespread during the Lantern Festival,adding to the festive and lively atmosphere.


  10、The Lantern Festival is not only a time for celebration but also a time for reflection,as people remember their ancestors and pray for a prosperous and peaceful year ahead.


  Lantern Festival的短语搭配

  1、celebrate the Lantern Festival:庆祝元宵节

  2、traditional Lantern Festival customs:传统的元宵节习俗

  3、lanterns and fireworks display:灯笼和烟花展示

  4、guess lantern riddles:猜灯谜

  5、make and hang lanterns:制作和挂灯笼

  6、enjoy the festive atmosphere of the Lantern Festival:享受元宵节的节日气氛

  7、family reunion dinner on Lantern Festival:元宵节的家庭团圆宴

  8、eat sweet dumplings during the Lantern Festival:元宵节期间吃元宵




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